Important Information
As the COVID-19 outbreak continues, we ask that if you have a fever, new cough, difficulty breathing and/or you have travelled in the last 14 days or have been in contact with a person who is suspected of, or who has, COVID-19, please take the advice of our public health authorities and self isolate.
Please contact our pharmacy team directly if you have immediate needs or for alternatives to visiting our store.
Please note our hours of operation, as they may have changed.
Online Refills
Send your prescription refill request online and pick it up at your pharmacy. No need to wait!
Prescription refills can now be requested at 360Health Pharmacy & Wellness. Create an account with 360Health to manage prescriptions for yourself and your loved ones.
Refills on the Go
- Online here
- Ask for automatic refills, we will call or text you when your prescription is ready
- Find your nearest Sobeys Pharmacy and give them a call
Auto Refills
Let us take care of refills for you.
AutoFill Plus is a unique prescription refilling program designed to automatically refill your medications. It's all about your convenience - no more missed doses, less waiting time, and fewer trips to the pharmacy. Your Sobeys Pharmacist will even notify you when your prescriptions are ready for pick up and when you need to contact your physician for renewals.